Mariemma Grimes began her dedication of love at Columbia
Military Academy in 1952. Her first assignment, Secretary to
the President, introduced her to Colonel C.A. Ragsdale, the first
of 13 Chief Executive Officers who have occupied the post.
She is a native of Lewisburg, Tennessee and was married to
the late Thomas Grimes. Her "children" were the cadets
who sought advice, support and comfort from her - and there have
been hundreds.
Student yearbooks have twice been dedicated to her. Mrs. Grimes
was the only employee who served Columbia Military Academy and
Columbia Academy. Her dedication was unequaled. As one yearbook
expressed it, "...she had bridged the distance between home
and school in so many ways...she is there - at any time - just
to be their "Mom away from home"... Although she has
not been blessed with children of her own, she has hundreds of
sons whom she has taught the meaning of faith, love of fellow
man and disclipline." Mariemma Grimes is truly a legend
of love.