The Military Department was operated exclusively under the direction of the Department of the Army. The Professors of Military Science and Tactics (PMS&T's) and the non-commissioned officers who taught military science were regular army men. The non-coms were on DEML duty which stood for Detached Enlisted Men's List. These non-coms were posted for long periods of time at the essential military institutions all over the country. The officers, however, were usually assigned for a three or four year tour of duty.

The habits of regularity, promptness, obedience to authority, courtesy, cleanliness and exactness, which are essential to the soldier, are virtues to the well educated student who is to become an asset to society. For the Academy it provided the control necessary for a well disciplined student body and for the cadets it provided the opportunity to earn and learn the leadership skills they would need for success in later life. At the end of four years of military training which had included weaponry,

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