Smart Classes by Jack D. Walker
Columbia Military Academy had an outstanding record for students winning
appointments to the Naval Academy. For eight years the Navy gave 20 appointments
to honor military schools and the naval reserve colleges. Columbia Military Academy
cadets in this competition won third place in 1936; forth and sixth place in 1937;
and seventh place in 1938. In 1944 the Naval Academy decided to give 10 appointments
to honor the military schools and 10 to the naval reserve colleges, thus placing
the competition on an equal basis. Columbia Military Academy boys won three of
the 10 appointments granted to all honor military schools that year. The Class
of 1944 must have an extremely smart class.
But let me tell you about how smart my class was. Not my graduating class but
my first class at Columbia Military Academy. There were four of us in the
seventh grade One boy, Carroll, from